Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Stuff

Okay, so, I know this is directly after the last blogpost, but you know what? I forgot to mention some things in that incredibly long script. So. I'm here again.

You may or may not have noticed that the blog has recently been... erm... "fleshed out" (no zombie pun intended. And NO I am NOT an evil scientist who has made my written word into a living person). Most likely scenario: you haven't noticed. So, that's why I'm here. I would like to point out to you the new and not-so-cool things you can now do on the blog. I promise I'll make it quick.

Over on your left-hand side, you will find the usual things: followers and archives. But in addition to those handy things, there are two new features.

Now, the screen should look like this:

< Not So Normal:
< One Teenager's Sarcastic Attitude and Morbid Sense Of Humor

Then below that:
< search not so normal...
< archived posts...
< what I'm reading...
< other readers...

Now, just so we're all up to speed: the search bar can be used to search for anything in this blog, including links and so on. Archived posts are all the posts I've made. What I'm reading is a list of blogs that I follow (which I shall describe each in turn, probably, come tomorrow, so I don't drive you all insane). And other readers is the list of followers my blog has (thanks guys, by the way!).

'Kay, I'm done now. I promise. Hasta manana! (Manana rhymes with banana. Just so you all know)

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