Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chicken Lickin'

Okay. So, I'm not all that fond of licking chickens, just so we're clear on that. However, I would like to share a rather funny story about this one good time I had, and it has to do with chicken.

Note: if you're vegetarian, or easily prone to vomiting, please abandon this post for all of those with sturdy stomachs.

If you've ever been to the capital of Wisconsin, you'll know that there is quite an ethnic variety (though certainly nothing close to some other places). Madison happens to sport quite a lot of different kinds of restaurants. Which happens to be a very bad thing, for me, when someone asks me to choose where exactly I'd like to eat. It helps to narrow it down to one ethnicity, and then go from there.

I was in Madison for the day with my mum, cousin and aunt. My aunt suggested that I choose where we eat, and automatically I cringed. Firstly, I had no idea what kind of food I wanted to eat that day, and secondly, I was unfamiliar with the territory. It's hard enough for me to pick a restaurant when I know what's around. Thankfully, my mum told my aunt that I like sushi, and so we chose to go to a place that serves... sushi.

We ended up at a buffet, and I dared my cousin to try something really outlandish. What did he come up with? Well, besides the mini octopus, some strange-looking fried items, and several other unrecognizable foods, he got some sort of chicken feet, complete with some red sauce that made them glisten sickeningly. Needless to say, no one ate the one foot he put on his plate. It was mostly to look at:

Lesson learned: never dare your cousin to try something strange. You may end up loosing your appetite (;

Bon appétit! (No, I'm not French, and no, I have absolutely no clue if that's the right way to spell it.)


  1. what is it?

    I promise i haven't lost it.

    No, I swear.

    Okay. No. This whole pretending to have a sense of humor is wearing on me.
