Thursday, June 10, 2010

Berry Monster

It's that time of year to go berry hunting; to make jam and preserves and pies and ice cream; to get sunburned in the field; to laugh and have a good time. And this year, for me, to stand and watch everyone pick berries while simply devouring the ones I managed to pick up. Definitely a good deal. Delicious berry blood dripping down your chin... erm, I mean juice!... and enjoying the lovely smell of sunshine and ripe fruit.

As you may have guessed by now, I went strawberry picking today. And mmm, was it yummy! And fun, of course. And I got to watch a little nearly-two-year-old boy pulverize berries in his fists before stuffing them in his mouth while the red guts dripped down his hands. I believe my fond nick-name for that little boy is going to be Berry Monster. And he was simply adorable.

In an hour, my mum and two younger brothers picked about 27 pounds of berries. Believe it or not, the family we went with picked at least triple that, probably more. They happen to have a larger family, but I stand to say that 81 pounds of berries is a rather substantial pile of red juiciness. I think we cleared out the part of the field that we picked(:

My suggestion: go berry picking! Very rewarding fun, I must say. Oops, got some juice on the keyboard... oh well. The computer would like a little love, too.... And the most suiting part of me going berry picking is that when I was little, I dressed up as a strawberry for Halloween. To this day, my cousin calls me strawberry.


  1. the cuzin that goez 2 neenah high?

  2. Nope! Haha. a different cousin(: I have a whole lot of cousins, dear. Speaking of my Neenah High cousin, however, I think I need to come up with a good nick-name. What do you suggest?

  3. idk ive never even met the guy!!!!!!!!

  4. This is true... mmm, looks like I'm on my own for clever nick-names. Don't count on it being very clever. I'm out of clever today.

  5. Yes indeed. After I said this(:
