Saturday, June 5, 2010


This blogpost is invisible to all with non-ninja powers. Therefore, you cannot see it.

The ninjas are watching you....

Okay, just kidding. I'm far too bored to go without a blogpost today. Anyways(: I attended an A.S.S party at the home of some dear friends of mine (Annual Start of Summer. What were you thinking it was, dummy?). Anyways, I love you, you're not a dummy, I promise. Also today, I wrote about six million Spanish flash-cards, complete with conjugations. And I was not a happy camper when I discovered the likeliness of carpel tunnels. That's why I like typing. No worries. Except when your fingers are cold and stiff, like a dead person's, and then you can hardly get them to hit the right keys, much less do it rapidly....

Moving on. (Yes, those are the boxers I got a few days after surgery. Aren't they adorable?) One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. Hmm. I wish I could rhyme as well as Doctor Seuss. But I suppose nobody can rhyme as well as Doctor Seuss, because he stole all the good ones. How unfair. See, my rhyming skills don't go further beyond "two and moo and goo." Well, actually, they do. See? It rhymed! I'm not that terrible at this after all. Erm. Rather, I would like to pretend I'm not. So shh, please, join the conspiracy to keep me from discovering how terrible a rhymer I am.

Next topic of discussion today is: missing the party tomorrow for my dear cousin's graduation. Something I'm not too crazy about. But. The long drive+therapy machine+annoying little brothers (love you guys!)+pain+everything else=one grumpy child. And also, I'm not very pleasant when I'm grumpy. And on top of that the car will be quite a bit roomier without me taking up valuable space. Nonetheless, I am sad to miss it. So, for the graduate: happy graduation! I love you! xxx. And for my daddy: yeah, prepare for one mopey girl. And that concludes today's rather un-hilarious blogpost.

P.S. The ninjas are still watching you.


  1. If said cousin was ever on the computer and actually read your post, he would be touched to hear how much you wanted to come, and he would say it wasn't as fun without you.

  2. Why thank you, said cousin(: Hope all was well, though I did hear about the rain. I was surprised that no one else went. Mummy must have been stressed out or something.
