Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Grammar Crutches

Today was crazy, and thus very fun. But while I was going about my abnormally busy day, I was pondering something that has bothered me quite often since I got my crutches. What exactly is the verb for walking with crutches? More importantly, is there a verb for that? Crutched? "I crutched across the street" just doesn't seem right, though spell-check doesn't seem to mind. So, tell me readers, is "crutched" the appropriate verb for hobbling around on crutches? Or should I stick with "limped," "hobbled" and "tottered"? For now, I believe that I will. And I will also catch all of you later, with pictures. Maybe. But remember the procrastinator part? ...Yeah... about that....

I suggest you don't hold your breath on those pictures

Update: Well, if you were holding your breath, you can stop now. I stopped procrastinating. On that subject.

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