Friday, June 4, 2010

Mulan and Ice Age 3

So, today... well. Today was interesting. But last night, now... it makes me giggle just thinking about it. So. I was sitting in a chair, moping about how unfortunate I was (with my surgery and all) and I overheard just one part of a very long and serious discussion my two younger brothers, Jazzy and Li-Li were having. Now, keep in mind that it took me until tonight to realize what on earth they were talking about. This is the only thing I heard: "I woke up one morning married to a pineapple. An ugly pineapple...." Naturally, I burst out laughing at my seven-year-old brother Li-Li's rather hilarious, out of context comment.

Tonight at dinner, I discovered that the quote was actually from a movie, which was slightly disappointing. I thought he had actually married a pineapple, making that pineapple my sister-in-law. A thought which I cannot imagine as a anything less than silly. But... it was still funny. Anyways. Along with random Ice Age 3 quotes (which is a rather funny movie, I might add, and not at all restricted to people under the age of 13), over our pizza, the three of us also sang very heartily the song "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" from Mulan at the top of our lungs.

Mulan happens to be my favorite Disney princess and movie, just for future reference.

Yes. I think I could pass for a very cool older sister. Maybe. Haha. Anyways, that was all the missing hilarity from two days, so if you didn't think it was funny, I fear that I'm losing my touch. If I had a "touch" to begin with, which is questionable. Toodles, and thanks Willow for visiting and listening to my complaints. It has been fun(:

P.S. I apologize for how long this post is... but I think it was worth it.


  1. god its your blog you don't need to apologize for how long a post is. if people don't want to read it they can go somewhere else

  2. But I promised not to offend anyone. So. Long blog posts are potentially offensive(:

    No, mostly I just felt bad cause I promised no long monologues.

    But really, I honestly don't care how long the post is, as long as it entertains someone.
