Sunday, January 2, 2011

Not So Final Finals

Hey, so, I had a lovely break, and hopefully all you did too. I pretty much sat around, gained 12 pounds, and ignored the fact that school recommences sooner rather than later. But isn't that what break is about? ...Well, hopefully I'm the only one who didn't study, because I'm taking finals sometime this January. Hopefully not on my birthday, because frankly, I'd be tempted to punch someone if that happened. Unfortunately, it's very likely.

Here's the thing, though: these finals aren't really finals. Well, They like to think that they're finals, but they're semester finals, only part of the whole. So... They can't really call them finals. But They do, because They are all high and mighty, and They like to freak out their students. They. Well, They, it's working. I'm terrified. I have no finger nails left to speak of, and that is remarkably irksome. Watch out, They. I'm on to you.

Ahem. Did I say something?

Oh! One other thing, you know, before I go again, likely for another month or so. Happy 2011. One more year until the world supposedly ends. IF you believe in that gibberish, which I don't. Maybe the Aztecs or whomever just got tired of foretelling future they would never live for. And either way, a circle never ends. So stop freaking out. You'll most likely still be alive after 2012, so I don't suggest you neglect your homework. Only a suggestion, from a hypocrite, who should probably go study for her not so final finals.

Peace, love, and all that rubbish. ☮♥♫

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Not So Jingle-Bells

So... It's November. Have you noticed? It's not even past Thanksgiving yet, and Christmas is on. I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that Christmas songs should wait until December at the least. I love Christmas music, don't get me wrong. But personally, it seems obnoxious to just ignore Thanksgiving! I mean, way to neglect something! (Speaking of neglect, you know I love you....)

That aside, who's looking forward to the most American of American holidays this coming week? Really, what's more American than stuffing oneself while watching large men in tights tackle each other? (I really don't mean to diss football. Really. I don't.) But anyway, enjoy your delicious meals, days off from school, family time, and extremely awkward sports!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Flower Fun

Look at that, it's only been a grand total of eleven days since my last post! Ha. I'm proud of myself. See? See? You're not neglected. By me. Um, so, yeah. The whole picture business is such a pain, and seeing as I don't actually have a camera, you're lucky that you get pictures at all. But that's okay, and I have a lovely random picture just for you. Aren't you lucky?
Yes, you are. And if you think otherwise, you can just leave me alone.
So, this is it. I'm very proud of it. Now, I'm no professional, but this is something I could see in a magazine. Ahem. Not to be full of myself or anything. But anyway. Not only do you get this beautiful example of photography, but you get another one. That is something to be happy about.Just for you, cause I'm nice like that. So. Yeah, here it is:

And that one is probably my favorite of the two. Anyways, I did take both of these pictures, so they're not plagiarized. Plagiarism is an awful thing, my friends. It takes the credit away from whom it is due. So don't plagiarize anything of mine. Please. It would be unkind. Sure, you can quote me. That's cool. Have fun with that. Also, you should really post a comment. Really. You know you want to. Yeah. You really should.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Not So Neglected

So, guess what? I didn't die. Nor do you care, but that's beside the point. ANYways, I want you all to know that I thought about you a lot in the past two months. I mean, it's the thought that counts, right? Yeah, I'll just go with that. But really, you're not neglected, I promise. I still love you. Figuratively. Um. Never mind.

School started. Can I get a groan with that? Mmhm, that's right! I officially don't know what I'm doing. But that's the fun of it, right? What a laugh. It's not fun AT ALL. Got that? Moving on. There is some good news to all this, of course. If there wasn't, I wouldn't bother. Actually, I might. I'm getting off topic again. Here is the good news: I read about a book a week, do homework, and go on Facebook. And you can let that speak for my social life.

What social life?


Ha. Not that you care about that, either, but okay. Homecoming weekend was last weekend, and it was beautiful and I had a total blast at the game, where we lost by one. Freaking. Point. Phew. But that's alright, since it's football, and I really don't expect much from football. After all, only men play it. And they wear tights. Really? Really? Yeah.

So, hopefully you're having a wonderful October so far with all the beautiful leaves and such. My next post will have pictures. No telling when that will happen, but it will. Pinky promise. And that stuff is legit.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bird Pie

Did you notice? There are some gorgeous pictures up for you to view today! And it took me literally all day. But it was SO worth it. See what I do for you guys? Heh, heh. For you guys. Heh. Heh. ANYway. You're entitled to check them out. I apologize beforehand, however, for the quality of some of them. A bit blurry. (You would not believe how difficult it is to photograph pictures with the camera I have.) And also, I haven't gotten a hang of how to format the pictures so they look all nice in the posts and things, so I'm sorry for that, too. But I hope you like them anyway. Also, I'm very proud of myself for how nice some of them turned out. Most notably, the ones in the Not So Tomato and the Summer Boredom posts.

Also, I felt like changing the design template. I like this one much more.

Anyway, today on my bike ride with my mum, we got all the way out into corn and donkey country (no, seriously. There was a donkey farm out there.), and I nearly ran over a run-over bird. It inspired this ten-second comic:

And here is one of the ingredients: one mini onion.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not So Tomato

Today, I would like to question my ancestry. I believe I may be part tomato.

That would account for the extremely red-toned skin and perhaps the frequent blushing. In the span of one day (yes, just one day, folks) you can turn into a very vivid, monochromatic person on the red scale. This includes various tones of red, pink and white. You guessed it--I'm sunburned. Like none other.

The last time I was this sunburned was when I was eight-ish and was in Florida. White sand beaches may be beautiful, but for those of us who are unused to sun except in short little spouts every year for about three months, white sand beaches=horrible, pealing sunburn. Not to mention that the sand is like a giant reflector-field, let alone the blue-white sky and the shining water. Sitting on one of those beaches is like sitting in a tinfoil cone in an oven. There is no escaping the burn. Except for maybe a gallon of sunscreen, which is frankly very icky.

Enough of that. My dear cousin has gone home, and I am not at all disappointed with the amount of fun I had last week. And believe it or not, I didn't get sunburned until yesterday. Lucky me.

Anyway, that's all for now. Enjoy your sunny weather, wherever you may be. And enjoy the rain, too. It's going to storm today perhaps. I'm quite excited. It's been far too long since I danced in some serious puddles.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Not So Important

Dum dah dah dum dum dum duuuum. Hello again. It's been twelve days since my last post. Twelve. Yeah. So sorry about that. And, you know, this whole post could be made up of excuses about how busy I've been, how my dog sat on the computer for a week, how the server has been down, how I haven't had access to a computer, and on and on and on. But I won't, because it's not true, and I won't lie. So, in truth, I've been neglecting my blog. **Insert dramatic gasp here.**

Anyway. But guess who doesn't have to carry around some bogus aluminum pipes anymore? Mhmm, that's me! I actually took a two-mile walk yesterday. Unintentionally two miles, as my therapist told me not to do just that. (Sorry about that one. I just really needed to move my feet.) As it is, I still can't run, jump, dance or skippety, hoppity boo. But that's something I can live with for a bit.

My cousin Blackberry, who was mentioned briefly at the end of this post, is coming to stay with me for a week. We will fill the time with great memories, inside jokes, suntans and laughs. Hopefully. And if we don't, I'll be disappointed. But the reason for me sharing this is that I believe that I won't be writing again this week. Just a heads-up notice.

Also, one of the cutest movies ever (for all of you anime fans) is Ponyo. You can watch the trailer on YouTube here. Adorable, strange, and completely hilarious. If you have the same deranged sense of humor that I do.

Tah tah for now!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Yummalicious Piggalicious

Mmm, hi. I feel compelled to write something. So. Here goes.

Ummm. Well. So, my family on my mum's side is Serbian. From Serbia. If you don't know where that is, look it up. And anyway, they're very ethnic. So, for the Independence Day of America, they decided to roast an entire piggy. Yeah, you know. Pink, curly tail, weird-looking things that are known for playing in mud? Yup, those. A whole one. Not just like... pork chops or anything like that. The whole. Entire. Thing. Complete with teeth, beard, eyeballs and ears. Oh yes. (They did cut off the hooves and take out the innards.) On a stick. Over a fire. Yup. Cause that's just how cool we are over here in the north. gag cough cough

On a side note, sorry about how blurry this thing is. But hopefully it's pretty obvious what it's supposed to be.

Yeah. Anyways. I'm surprised I actually ate any, after watching it's eyes ooze out and it turn slowly more and more crispy. Ugh. I shudder to think of it. Although, it was very good meat. Despite the fact that it was enough to turn me vegetarian. Not that I am. Just that I thought about it. And, being the brilliant one that I am, I asked my lovely uncle how he could tell when it was done cooking. His reply? "Well, you see, it's bones start popping out of the skin." You can bet that I cleared out fairly promptly after that remark.

Well, it was very fun, that 4th of July. If you ever want an eventful holiday, come stay with me. It's bound to be quite different. Yeah. So. . . I'm done. Happy piggy eating.

Oh, and P.S. I think I ought to win an award for seeing the most deranged things cooked and served as food. Yeah. There's something seriously sad about that.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Something About Cellphones

I don't have a phone, honest. Which makes this next part seem impossible. I'm a texting addict. If there's someone to text, there's a text message being sent through cyberspace to greet them with a rather cheery hello. That being said, I'll also share that I borrow my daddy's phone whenever he doesn't want to use it so I can bombard my friend Sebastian with texts.

I, however, am not like a lot of teenagers who use text speech. No thank you. I'll type the whole. sentence. Complete with punctuation and capitalization. And if I make a mistake, I sure as icy cold clouds am going to fix it. So... it takes me quite awhile to send one text message, and the message is normally twice as long as it would be if I took out all the extra stuff. As it is, I don't care.

Also, I have one thing to say texting. Okay, more than one thing. More like... half a dozen.

Fact A.) Texting while in the room with a real person and you're hanging out and having a conversation is, to say the least, rude. Get over yourself and pay attention to reality. It's only acceptable if it's an emergency.
P.S. the fact that your "bff" just dumped her "bf" who she's been dating for "2 dys" is not an emergency.

Fact B.) The phone doesn't always need to be in your hand. You can put it down. And you can live without it.

Fact C.) Ignoring a phone call while you're in the middle of a conversation with someone else is completely acceptable. What would be unacceptable is if you just answered the phone without even saying anything to the person you just cut off. If it's an important call from your boss/co-worker/client/child/family/whatever, you may politely excuse yourself for a moment to take the call, but only for a moment. Don't go on and on about your plaid shorts.

Fact D.) No, texting someone at 2 am without an invitation is not polite. Wait until the morning. Unless your mummy just died, in which case, you are perfectly entitled to text everyone at 2 am, invitation or not.

Fact E.) Eating and texting at the same time is a very bad idea. Unless your phone is orange juice proof.

Fact F.) When you're in class, you know, you are allowed to ignore the texts that your friend across the room is sending you. School comes first. P.S. read messages and text back at your own risk. If you get caught... that's not my fault.

Fact G.) If you are going to text during your academic time, be my guest to turn your phone on vibrate. It helps to stop the rest of us from being disturbed. Not that they care. They're all texting under the table, too.

Fact H.) You are perfectly welcome to leave your phone home when you go on vacation with the family.

Fact I.) You can turn your phone off whenever you like.

Alright, there you go. Be assured that that's all my opinion. You can't be blaming me for any texting trouble you get into. I'm no expert. I just follow the laws of common courtesy.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Not So Pale

Right, so. When you're a on crutches, you tend to stay inside quite a bit. Today, however, I was outside for a good hour. The resulting sunburn is certain to last me at least a day. Most likely longer. Most definitely longer. And painfully, it will probably peal like old paint. Groans internally. Eyes shoulder sadly.

Also, being alone with a sharpie tends to lead to quite a lot of body art. I now have a good foot of my left arm covered in a skeletal design. It's pretty cool, actually. Unless you're scared of ink poisoning. In which case, I laugh at you. Very, VERY hard. On a totally different subject, I was thinking of piercing my ears. To match my skeletal arm. So... not totally unrelated. Maybe I'll look like a Gothic weirdo. I sure hope not. I don't dress in all black. You'd much sooner catch me in a polka-dot dress. I love polka-dots... sigh


Well. Um.

So... a tough motorcycle guy came up and bought a Mediterranean cook book from our rummage sale today. I laughed so hard when he left, I almost cried. He certainly proved my stereotypes wrong. I can just see him in my head, swaggering up to my friend and I, this "tough" look on his face. "How much for this book?"

Oh, man!

He he.