Saturday, June 26, 2010

Something About Cellphones

I don't have a phone, honest. Which makes this next part seem impossible. I'm a texting addict. If there's someone to text, there's a text message being sent through cyberspace to greet them with a rather cheery hello. That being said, I'll also share that I borrow my daddy's phone whenever he doesn't want to use it so I can bombard my friend Sebastian with texts.

I, however, am not like a lot of teenagers who use text speech. No thank you. I'll type the whole. sentence. Complete with punctuation and capitalization. And if I make a mistake, I sure as icy cold clouds am going to fix it. So... it takes me quite awhile to send one text message, and the message is normally twice as long as it would be if I took out all the extra stuff. As it is, I don't care.

Also, I have one thing to say texting. Okay, more than one thing. More like... half a dozen.

Fact A.) Texting while in the room with a real person and you're hanging out and having a conversation is, to say the least, rude. Get over yourself and pay attention to reality. It's only acceptable if it's an emergency.
P.S. the fact that your "bff" just dumped her "bf" who she's been dating for "2 dys" is not an emergency.

Fact B.) The phone doesn't always need to be in your hand. You can put it down. And you can live without it.

Fact C.) Ignoring a phone call while you're in the middle of a conversation with someone else is completely acceptable. What would be unacceptable is if you just answered the phone without even saying anything to the person you just cut off. If it's an important call from your boss/co-worker/client/child/family/whatever, you may politely excuse yourself for a moment to take the call, but only for a moment. Don't go on and on about your plaid shorts.

Fact D.) No, texting someone at 2 am without an invitation is not polite. Wait until the morning. Unless your mummy just died, in which case, you are perfectly entitled to text everyone at 2 am, invitation or not.

Fact E.) Eating and texting at the same time is a very bad idea. Unless your phone is orange juice proof.

Fact F.) When you're in class, you know, you are allowed to ignore the texts that your friend across the room is sending you. School comes first. P.S. read messages and text back at your own risk. If you get caught... that's not my fault.

Fact G.) If you are going to text during your academic time, be my guest to turn your phone on vibrate. It helps to stop the rest of us from being disturbed. Not that they care. They're all texting under the table, too.

Fact H.) You are perfectly welcome to leave your phone home when you go on vacation with the family.

Fact I.) You can turn your phone off whenever you like.

Alright, there you go. Be assured that that's all my opinion. You can't be blaming me for any texting trouble you get into. I'm no expert. I just follow the laws of common courtesy.

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