Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Yummalicious Piggalicious

Mmm, hi. I feel compelled to write something. So. Here goes.

Ummm. Well. So, my family on my mum's side is Serbian. From Serbia. If you don't know where that is, look it up. And anyway, they're very ethnic. So, for the Independence Day of America, they decided to roast an entire piggy. Yeah, you know. Pink, curly tail, weird-looking things that are known for playing in mud? Yup, those. A whole one. Not just like... pork chops or anything like that. The whole. Entire. Thing. Complete with teeth, beard, eyeballs and ears. Oh yes. (They did cut off the hooves and take out the innards.) On a stick. Over a fire. Yup. Cause that's just how cool we are over here in the north. gag cough cough

On a side note, sorry about how blurry this thing is. But hopefully it's pretty obvious what it's supposed to be.

Yeah. Anyways. I'm surprised I actually ate any, after watching it's eyes ooze out and it turn slowly more and more crispy. Ugh. I shudder to think of it. Although, it was very good meat. Despite the fact that it was enough to turn me vegetarian. Not that I am. Just that I thought about it. And, being the brilliant one that I am, I asked my lovely uncle how he could tell when it was done cooking. His reply? "Well, you see, it's bones start popping out of the skin." You can bet that I cleared out fairly promptly after that remark.

Well, it was very fun, that 4th of July. If you ever want an eventful holiday, come stay with me. It's bound to be quite different. Yeah. So. . . I'm done. Happy piggy eating.

Oh, and P.S. I think I ought to win an award for seeing the most deranged things cooked and served as food. Yeah. There's something seriously sad about that.


  1. Fact: The pig roasting on a spit is similar to but certainly a larger and longer production than the chicken roast common to our kitchen. In between would be a lamb roast, something I still haven't witnessed in it's full glory, but certainly worthy of experiencing. Seemed a lamb would have been plenty for those in attendance. Many of your friends have never seen a full bodied chicken roasted, but may have seen a full roast turkey. Neither tend to be done with head intact.

  2. I actually HAVE seen a lamb roasted. Briefly. Not the whole experience.
