Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Post

Well, here we are. I'm blogging. I never really saw myself as one of those people who'd sit at a computer and type about one's life. I guess there's a first for everything. But let me clarify something first. If you're looking for suicide notes, lots of drama, winey self-centeredness, annoying posts about problems, long monologues that nobody cares about, or all of the above, look elsewhere.

This blog is strictly for the purpose of a few laughs... and also so that I can spy on myself in later years. Shhh. You didn't hear anything. And if I fail to make you chuckle, giggle, or spit water through your nose, I apologize and hope you achieve your needs elsewhere. I'll be writing about my life, so if you find it boring, please, feel free to move on. I would much prefer that than mean comments popping up to hurt my feelings.

Also, I'm going to use what I call "blognames" for everyone I might happen to mention on this blog, for privacy reasons. Basically, every single name on this blog is going to be a nick-name I chose. Including the one I use for myself. So, for instance, my best friend, who happens to be a girl, well... her nick-name is Sebastian. The only problem I might have with this is remembering what everyone's blognames are. But that's my problem.

I would like to apologize in advance for any insults, grammatical errors, offense, or any other kind of mistake I may make. Please keep in mind--I'm human, too.

Or am I?

Yep, I am. No worries.

That's all for now. Comments are welcome. Unless you're a troll. In which case, please, really, feel free to comment elsewhere.


  1. im so happy 4 u! ever1 should hav a plac 2 share their thoughts with the world!

    u go gurl,

  2. thanks doll! totally loving this blogging thing! lol. except i didn't realize someone had commented until very recently. yay for blond moments!
