Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day Two of Significant Torture

It's my second day after surgery. I'm still alive. I got to see the destruction zone this evening; let me tell you, it wasn't all that pretty. Two incisions nicely closed up with a few stitches, some good sized bruises from God knows what, and a hell of a lot of pain. The funny part about the whole thing is that the bandage was so huge, it covered nearly the whole top part of my thigh. Not all that easy, considering the size of that ham! And this is the kicker: it looked like fondant. You know, that sort of whipped frosting that is a little hard and smooth and delicious? Yeah, that. And the bandage was sort of an off-white color. The perfect frosting color. I'm beginning to think the doctor wanted to dress up his meal. Did I miss the part where they informed me that he was a zombie?

Enough of that(: I also managed to acquire a pair of Dr. Seuss boxer shorts, which totally made my day. Well, actually, night, since I got them later yesterday evening. Also, I now have a total of three bouquets, and quite a lot of chocolate that I don't yet have the stomach for. As well as some very comfy clothing, courtesy of my dear aunt and company.

Happy Memorial Day, all!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lost Elements

There is something about a blank page. Intriguing, welcoming... even comforting, somehow. It seams to symbolize a new beginning--washed clean of all other mistakes. An empty slate, unblemished. It is centering, somehow, to pick up a pen and put it to paper; a brush to canvas; a marker to whiteboard. For me, it's the same way when I type. Or nearly the same way, I should say. But there is one fundamental element that seems to always be lost with the typed word.

So much personality seems to be displayed in handwritten letters. Character. Spirit. Humor. And that is lost when the word is typed. And so we must rely on the way we speak or the way we form our emoticons to portray our personalities. Yet something is still always missing from it. And that makes me sad.

On a happier note, this is my first day after surgery. Maggie visited (another very good friend of mine) and she brought me some balloons to add to the one my brothers, cousins and aunt had gotten for me. I also have a vase of flowers from my family. I'm feeling extra loved. Thanks again for all the thoughts and kindness(:

Update: Thanks also to the guests who stopped in after Maggie and gave me cards and candy(: I appreciate the thoughts, and am feeling just a little better than I thought I would be at this point.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Surgery Dinosaur

I had surgery today. Being a teenager, I suppose it was sort of childish of me to bring my favorite stuffed dinosaur into the hospital with me. But you bet I did! It is green with different colored scales up its back, and it has big black eyes. I love it to death. I've had it ever since I was a little beaner, and it has come with me pretty much everywhere I've gone. Even though it's not very original, I still call it Dino, since that's what its name was when I was little. Even the lady at the front desk said she liked my little friend(: Hahaha. I think I get points for being a brave enough girl to bring my stuffed animal into the hospital.

Anyway, I'm recovering for the next few days in bed, but after that, I'll be up and around building upper-body strength on my crutches. Thanks for all the well-wishes and prayers. I'm very thankful that everything went well.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Not So Ninja

This is my second post today--a clear indication that I need something to do. Even so, I'll simply continue.... I have a little story to share, that happened to me, and I think it's funny. If you think otherwise, that's cool. But please don't burst my bubble. I don't want to feel deflated.

Saturday night, I was hanging out with some friends and I compared abs with two of them. As it happened, mine where the hardest. I'm the only girl of the three of us. Just goes to show that women have ninja potential, too. And let me tell you--those boys have hard abs. I'm talking rocks. So what does this mean for me? I'm a man lady? Or maybe that I do too many sit-ups. Either way, I thought it was pretty cool. Man lady? Hahaha. I'll take it.

Anyways, that's my not-so-ninja story for the day. Hope you all enjoyed it(:

Not So Funny?

Recently, my dear friend Sebastian politely informed me that I'm not funny unless I don't try. Which is unfortunate, since this whole blog is supposed to be about being funny. So I wonder: does this mean this blog is going to be really very boring? Well, if I can help it, it sure won't! Maybe I'll just try to be funny, so that it's not really very funny, and it will end up being hilarious because I'm trying too hard. Or maybe I'll just type, and see if anything witty comes out of my... erm... fingers. I hope that's okay with all of you. If it's not... GET YOUR OWN BLOG!

Just kidding!

I don't mind. Just keep your unkind opinions to yourself.

Thank you kindly.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First Post

Well, here we are. I'm blogging. I never really saw myself as one of those people who'd sit at a computer and type about one's life. I guess there's a first for everything. But let me clarify something first. If you're looking for suicide notes, lots of drama, winey self-centeredness, annoying posts about problems, long monologues that nobody cares about, or all of the above, look elsewhere.

This blog is strictly for the purpose of a few laughs... and also so that I can spy on myself in later years. Shhh. You didn't hear anything. And if I fail to make you chuckle, giggle, or spit water through your nose, I apologize and hope you achieve your needs elsewhere. I'll be writing about my life, so if you find it boring, please, feel free to move on. I would much prefer that than mean comments popping up to hurt my feelings.

Also, I'm going to use what I call "blognames" for everyone I might happen to mention on this blog, for privacy reasons. Basically, every single name on this blog is going to be a nick-name I chose. Including the one I use for myself. So, for instance, my best friend, who happens to be a girl, well... her nick-name is Sebastian. The only problem I might have with this is remembering what everyone's blognames are. But that's my problem.

I would like to apologize in advance for any insults, grammatical errors, offense, or any other kind of mistake I may make. Please keep in mind--I'm human, too.

Or am I?

Yep, I am. No worries.

That's all for now. Comments are welcome. Unless you're a troll. In which case, please, really, feel free to comment elsewhere.