Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bird Pie

Did you notice? There are some gorgeous pictures up for you to view today! And it took me literally all day. But it was SO worth it. See what I do for you guys? Heh, heh. For you guys. Heh. Heh. ANYway. You're entitled to check them out. I apologize beforehand, however, for the quality of some of them. A bit blurry. (You would not believe how difficult it is to photograph pictures with the camera I have.) And also, I haven't gotten a hang of how to format the pictures so they look all nice in the posts and things, so I'm sorry for that, too. But I hope you like them anyway. Also, I'm very proud of myself for how nice some of them turned out. Most notably, the ones in the Not So Tomato and the Summer Boredom posts.

Also, I felt like changing the design template. I like this one much more.

Anyway, today on my bike ride with my mum, we got all the way out into corn and donkey country (no, seriously. There was a donkey farm out there.), and I nearly ran over a run-over bird. It inspired this ten-second comic:

And here is one of the ingredients: one mini onion.