Saturday, October 23, 2010

Flower Fun

Look at that, it's only been a grand total of eleven days since my last post! Ha. I'm proud of myself. See? See? You're not neglected. By me. Um, so, yeah. The whole picture business is such a pain, and seeing as I don't actually have a camera, you're lucky that you get pictures at all. But that's okay, and I have a lovely random picture just for you. Aren't you lucky?
Yes, you are. And if you think otherwise, you can just leave me alone.
So, this is it. I'm very proud of it. Now, I'm no professional, but this is something I could see in a magazine. Ahem. Not to be full of myself or anything. But anyway. Not only do you get this beautiful example of photography, but you get another one. That is something to be happy about.Just for you, cause I'm nice like that. So. Yeah, here it is:

And that one is probably my favorite of the two. Anyways, I did take both of these pictures, so they're not plagiarized. Plagiarism is an awful thing, my friends. It takes the credit away from whom it is due. So don't plagiarize anything of mine. Please. It would be unkind. Sure, you can quote me. That's cool. Have fun with that. Also, you should really post a comment. Really. You know you want to. Yeah. You really should.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Not So Neglected

So, guess what? I didn't die. Nor do you care, but that's beside the point. ANYways, I want you all to know that I thought about you a lot in the past two months. I mean, it's the thought that counts, right? Yeah, I'll just go with that. But really, you're not neglected, I promise. I still love you. Figuratively. Um. Never mind.

School started. Can I get a groan with that? Mmhm, that's right! I officially don't know what I'm doing. But that's the fun of it, right? What a laugh. It's not fun AT ALL. Got that? Moving on. There is some good news to all this, of course. If there wasn't, I wouldn't bother. Actually, I might. I'm getting off topic again. Here is the good news: I read about a book a week, do homework, and go on Facebook. And you can let that speak for my social life.

What social life?


Ha. Not that you care about that, either, but okay. Homecoming weekend was last weekend, and it was beautiful and I had a total blast at the game, where we lost by one. Freaking. Point. Phew. But that's alright, since it's football, and I really don't expect much from football. After all, only men play it. And they wear tights. Really? Really? Yeah.

So, hopefully you're having a wonderful October so far with all the beautiful leaves and such. My next post will have pictures. No telling when that will happen, but it will. Pinky promise. And that stuff is legit.